Reinhard's Private Home Page

Hi everybody,

this is my private home page. Like my life it's also under continous construction, but I'll try to keep the links in this page, so you can link to the topic you are interested in. I am from Stammbach, a small town in upper Franconia and am living here in Munich (english Magazin and Bars, other links ), Bavaria with my lovely wife from Austin , Texas, three (nearly) bilingual kids and Blacky. the language used in my pages usually is the next best available at the moment. I myself prefer The Awful German Language (Mark Twain).

T'ai Chi Ch'uan

TaiChiSymbol Visit my T'ai Chi collection . If you just want to know what T'ai Chi Ch'uan is, read a neat little essay from Henry Strunk What I Did Say To The Church Ladies or enjoy what Heinrich von Kleist writes in Über das Marionettentheater.


CAD/CAM-Software and Scientific Programming

company logoThat's what my interesting business is. More about what I do on my home page
Ideas for improvements, extensions, fun ? Feel free to mail.
So long - Bis dann


"Das Leben als solches ist eines der weitaus zweitschwierigsten;
ein ständiger Selbstversuch mit tödlichem Ausgang"